I periodically visit my friend and neighbor Tim Anderson at the Control Tower of the former Alameda Naval Air Station where he both lives and works. ...
You probably dont remember but a while back, I did a posting on kayak trailers that could be towed behind a bicycle. The tow bar on that one broke. ...
Three days to go. With G9 getting closer, Im trying to get the boat and trailer ready to travel. Today I bought some Boat Buckle straps for the transom,...
A fellow boatbuilder pointed out to me that if I cover the transom first, before planking the sides and bottom of the boat, then the end grain of my planking...
Two days to the G9 Boatbuilders Gathering. Ive basically been focusing on getting the boat trailerable. The boat wont be finished, of course, but several...
It sounds like it could be the title of an Irish folk ballad... "Shimmin O The Chines." As many ballads go, the actual work has so far been a mixture...
Today being an anniversary of sorts, I wanted to do something special to mark the occasion. It seemed like an appropriate time to order the transom decal...
After the fourth coat of Whidbey White, the dark colors of the wood arent showing through. So, the middle section is basically done... except for the...
The first bottom planking panel is on. 1 down, 3 to go. That is the good news, and that is the main point.Getting there, however, didn’t go quite as smoothly...
I took the plunge today and bought a few board feet of 2X6 fir to start laminating the centerboard. After an hour on the saw including set up, I have...