Its October, and with it have come the low grey clouds, rain, and cooler temperatures to usher it in. It was a beautiful day.I got a little more painting...
yes, the herons are back. There they are out back of the shop on the other side of the fence that divides the federal land from that under the control...
In this post I want to focus on ways to design a paddle so it orients itself in the proper direction for paddling without a lot of effort on the part...
It has been a busy week with band rehearsals & back-to-school shopping, but last night I did manage to get the blocking for the rear seat attached.I...
Sometime ago I got the notion that when you build something yourself you get to control how much violence you do to your environment and to yourself. ...
I let the first coat of Aquagard 190 primer cure overnight, then rolled on a second coat. After a little more than the 4-hour recommended drying time,...
As January keeps winding on, it seems as though I’ve had a million things to juggle or deal with that keep interfering with my boatbuilding progress.I...
The side planking is all on now. So, the next step is to cover the transom with Meranti so that it will match the deck.First, I made a posterboard template...