
Jumat, 27 Januari 2017

The Utility Trimming the floor battens

Some days you just dont have a lot of time to make any major progress. Still, there are usually some small things you can do to help the project along....
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Scarfing post mortem

Ok.  I admit defeat on scarfing the panels.  After fairing and filling the first two panels on for the bottom, I have decided to just do the...
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Trimming the sheers

Its a pivotal moment when you get the boat hull flipped over. All at once, you can visualize the completed boat; picture yourself and your family in it,...
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Kamis, 26 Januari 2017

Flipping Day pretty easy

We finally had a few days of nice weather, and a day with no other projects on tap.  So, I decided to take the boat out of the garage and flip it....
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Air Subduction in Kayak Paddles and cavitation in lee boards

I dont know if subduction is the right word to describe the phenomenon of air getting sucked down along the back side of a kayak paddle, but there I am...
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Rabu, 25 Januari 2017

Five Gyres and More

 I saw this photo of kayakers on facebook and the thing that popped into my head unbidden was, Plastic Gyre.  Of course this isnt a plastic...
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Paddle Dynamics

Three Greenland style paddles on display at the boat ramp where I just got done testing them. The breakdown paddle on the left had the tips thinned. The...
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Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

Starboard Fiberglassing Finished

It has been a while since Ive worked on the boat. However, Im back at it, and just finished fiberglassing the starboard side a few days ago. Here are...
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New plywood more chine fixes

With G7 over, it was time to get back to work on the boat. In early October, I placed my order for 5 sheets of 1/4” BS 1088 Meranti Hydtrotek with...
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Pleasant Bay and a simple rig adjustment

Last week I returned to my old stomping grounds off Harwichport / Chatham to see how the boat would strut her stuff in a little breeze.  I was able...
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Senin, 23 Januari 2017

4th of July in the boat shop

It was a busy 4th of July weekend in my cramped little boat shop. I set out my U.S. Yacht Ensign flag, and got right to work. After a week of shaping...
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Minggu, 22 Januari 2017


I have decided to paint the exterior as the hull is upside down and ready at this point.  Centerboard will get painted as well. The paint du jour...
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