
Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Crisp Transom Edge

Ken Hankinsons excellent book, "How to Fiberglass Boats," suggests radiusing the hard edges of the hull in order to properly apply fiberglass cloth, without...
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Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

The Utility Fiberglassing continues

I left off at the last post discussing "feathering" the edge of the fiberglass-covered area. This is simply sanding the edge down in order to have a smooth...
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Senin, 28 Maret 2016

motor well

This is a modification from the plans. With the stern deck on, I added a small well for the motor on the port quarter.  I had one on a Herreshoff...
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Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

G9 minus five Perseverance is a work in progress

Five days until the G9 Boatbuilders Gathering.I think I mentioned in an earlier post that, I never intended for this boat to have more than a "workboat"...
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Selasa, 22 Maret 2016

G9 minus six

Six days until G9. No major updates today, but I did want to keep the whole "countdown" theme going...Today, my Perko oarlocks arrived from Jamestown...
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Senin, 21 Maret 2016

The Utility part 4 The Chines

Read enough boatbuilding blogs or forum threads, and youll find a commonly recurring theme: broken chine logs. Id read this so many times, that before...
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Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

Building form in place

Thanks to Phil Gartlands generosity, I am the proud owner of a 12x4 x2 steel building form for the CS17.  It is now waiting for the load of plywood. ...
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August 28, 2014Being tired of sanding, I switched gears to the keel.  The idea is to start with a lot of wood and wind up with a little less.  The...
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