
Senin, 30 Mei 2016

Mojave Desert Petroglyphs

The Mojave Desert has been inhabited by people for some time.  Like most places on earth, the Mojave desert has undergone climate change even before...
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Minggu, 29 Mei 2016

The Yurt Gets a Door and other improvements

The sixteen foot yurt has lived for over a year without a door.  But now that it has a stove, I discovered that the yurt loses heat quickly without...
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Sabtu, 28 Mei 2016

The Utility attaching the last of the side planking

Finally, the time came to attach the remaining 7 feet of planking to the port side. I prepared for this on a Saturday afternoon, removing all of...
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Completion of dry fitting starboard bottom

With the first forward panel dry-fit, and the Raptor staples sanded off the transom, the next tasks ahead of me were:Decide how to finish the transom.Fit...
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Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

Last big sail of the season

Hindsight being 20/20.  I am so glad I chose this boat as my most recent build.  It sails wonderfully with the changes described before.  I...
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Kamis, 26 Mei 2016

Sail Drone

While driving to work a few days back I noticed some people hoisting a small red airplane looking thing from a trailer.  As the lettering on the...
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Rabu, 25 Mei 2016

April 2015 Masts continued Hatch fitting and finishing

April 2015 - The goal this month is to get all below deck level stuff installed and finally get a chance to put the deck on. Major delays due to...
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All the bottom planking is fitted However

All the bottom planking is finally fitted.Two steps forward and one step back. Technically, that is still progress. That’s also the current situation...
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Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

Sail Speed Records

New speed records for sail powered water craft are being set constantly. The latest by the Vestas sailrocket is 65.45 knots.  Of course these are...
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Death Valley Car Wash

Death Valley is one of the driest places in the US.  But it does rain every once in a while and when it does, look out.  Thunderstorms apparently...
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