Now that the boat is flipped. (at this stage a two man job). I have put it back in the garage to finish the seating area and put the decks on. Hopefully,...
I mentioned a few posts back that I still have Lusitania 13s transom sitting in my shop. Ive kept it around, waiting for it to eventually serve some purpose....
I was driving home from work the other afternoon, trying to think of how to start writing this blog. The story makes sense to me, but I wasnt quite sure...
Yesterday I set up the frame of the EA kayak and gave it a second coat of linseed oil. With the keelson blocked in and the deck upright, it is easier...
I have been slowly and cautiously fairing the Utility. I still have a long way to go, but I am making progress."Fairing," in case you didnt already know,...
Finally, the time came to start fiberglassing the hull of the Utility. Id ordered some 6oz fiberglass cloth in both 50-inch and 38-inch widths from Jamestown...
The end of summer brought with it a devastating personal loss. My boatbuilding work suffered in the aftermath. So did a whole lot of other things. But,...